• 2011 Art Council Korea’s Choice
  • 2010 World festival of National Theater (Official Invitation)
  • 2008 YS Theater Festival (Official Invitation)
  • 2008 Performed in DAO space

Journey into the Jar

Experience the world of mud, water and fire with voice-sound

Voice improvisation with musical instruments of Third World.

How could we get the natural and original voice from our body and mind?

The voice before get standardized and socialized!

This work starts with the basic concept that we all have various and endless changing voices inside our body and this inner voice can free our repressed selves and our inner stories.

This performance will invite people to find there inner voices and sing together.

“JAR” is a voice performance, an interdisciplinary genre which combine theater and concert.

Voice improvisation from the sensation of water, mud and fire.

Performer and also audience put together their voices into the space which is like a big Jar.

Voice improvisation with audience!


A woman put her voice into the jar which is given from her mother when her wedding. The voice ring from the Jar. She put her voice and listen the response of echo, which just like as the little girl’s voice. And she also reminds her mother and grandmother. She put her mind into the journey of the jar with various sound and voice. The journey of voice and sound look like the process of making the jar with water, mud and fire. At the end of journey, she gives a birth to a baby.